In 2022, Harika*, a curious 4-year-old, took her first steps into the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). Holding...
In the lively streets of Mumbai, there is a 7-year-old girl named Sarika* who was born into...
Huzaifah* lives with his illiterate parents and two older sisters. His father works as a daily wage...
In the heart of a bustling urban slum community, where the streets echo with the hustle and...
Vafi* knows no other world than the one confined within the slum communities of Mumbai. Every breath...
Naira*, a five-year-old, is always bubbling with excitement and loves to share her thoughts and stories. Her...
Kalyan*, a 6-year-old boy, lives in the crowded and overcrowded streets of one of Mumbai’s slum communities....
Pari*, a four-year-old, is a little girl with dark hair and bright, curious eyes. She lives with...
Barak* is a young boy, only seven years old. He shares a cramped and rundown home with...
In the impoverished slums of the city, a heavy sense of hopelessness lingered in the air like...