Four-year-old Zain lives just beside an open drainage canal that fills every monsoon and overflows into his one-room home. He lives there with his grandparents, parents and baby brother Zaid.

Despite the struggles of life in their slum community, Zain’s family is always hopeful for a brighter future, and through your support for Vision Rescue, you’ve played a big part in their story of empowerment.

Vision Rescue first met Zain’s grandmother Sahnaz on their streets of their slum community. She told us about her grandson who hadn’t been to school yet because of poverty.

Zain was immediately admitted into our Beacon Learning Centre inside his slum community, and for a year now you’ve provided him with quality pre-primary education at the nursery, a nutritious meal every week day, healthcare and all his educational materials.

When Zain first joined us, he was physically weak from poor nutrition. Our community workers counselled Zain’s mother Parul on how best to nourish his body, and Parul took to heart all that she learnt and began to make changes in his diet. Zain is stronger now and dreams of becoming a doctor so that he can look after others when he’s grown up!

Parul was so touched by the care and love of Vision Rescue’s staff, she agreed to take a step further and enroll herself into our vocational training course for mothers of beneficiary children. Even with baby Zaid in her arms, Parul successfully completed our courses in bracelet making and paper-bag making. 

She then joined our Self Help Group for graduate trainees and today earns from her new skills. “My self-confidence has increased, I’ve made new friends and I was able to interact and learn with other women just like me from my slum community,” says Parul.

Parul and Sahnaz have grown over the last year to become women to reckon with in their slum community. They’ve opened their small home for several awareness meetings for community members, and every time there’s a medical or dental camp for the community, Parul and Sahnaz urge their entire neighbourhood to participate.

It is your gifts that have not just educated Zain but empowered his family to become change-makers in their community. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this precious family.

Thank you for investing so richly into their lives!