Pari*, a four-year-old, is a little girl with dark hair and bright, curious eyes. She lives with her parents and two siblings: an older brother and a younger brother. The house she lives in is tiny, just one room, always dim and gloomy because her parents can’t afford to pay the electricity bills.

Her father earns a meagre income as a daily wage labourer. He works tirelessly from sunrise to sunset, putting all his energy into each task for just Rs. 500 a day. Despite the physical toll on his body, he continues to work without complaint or hesitation, providing for his family with unwavering determination. Sadly, his job is unpredictable, sometimes he gets hired and other times he is not so lucky. As a result, they must save and live with what little they have.

Basic necessities like accessing a toilet daily, and reaching a hospital in an emergency, were still a struggle. Like most of their neighbours in the slum community, they too lived in a ‘Kutcha’ house (made of poles and tin sheets). When the rains came, their roof leaked and the house flooded. One monsoon, the flooding was so bad that the children could neither sit nor sleep on their house floor.

Pari’s mother is in the kitchen, preparing the family’s dinner over a small stove. The scent of curry and onions fills the room. She pursued her education until the 10th grade, and understands the transformative power of learning. Despite her own limitations, she ensures that all her three children receive an education – a ticket out of the cycle of poverty that has ensnared so many in their community. 

Occasionally, Pari’s mother makes use of her expertise in making mangalsutras. These sacred threads, worn by married Hindu women as a symbol of marriage, provide her with a means of earning a living.

In May 2017, the Vision Rescue Community Case Counsellor (CCC) met the family while surveying to enroll non-school-going children and drop outs to school. Pari’s elder brother was the first child from the family to be enrolled into our Beacon Learning Center (BLC). After three years of coaching with us, he successfully aced his exams and is now in formal school. 

During the pandemic, they faced many challenges that truly tested their determination. For almost two years during the pandemic, each month, Vision Rescue’s dedicated donors ensured that the family had enough groceries for their meals and even some snacks for the children. Also, in the worst monsoons, Vision Rescue donors provided tarpaulin sheets for the hutments.

In the year 2021, Pari started her journey at BLC. As she took her first steps into the Nursery class, her curious eyes eagerly took in everything around her. She was delighted to be in school and like all others, she was happy to receive her school bag and school starter kit. She continues to get her lunch tiffin, which she happily takes home with her at the end of the class. We are grateful to you, dear donors, for your support with this. 

From the beginning, Pari has been very cooperative in class. She is attentive and a keen learner, and has already learned the English names of birds and animals in a short time. Pari has good attendance in school, thanks to her mother, who makes sure that the children are ready and sent to school regularly. The mother takes a keen interest in her child’s education. She also attended the open house to understand the progress of her child and was happy to see how well Pari has progressed.

After undergoing medical and dental screening in school, the CCC guided the mother on practicing personal hygiene at home. With gentle yet firm instructions, the mother learned how to properly care for her family’s health and well-being in their own home. It was a valuable lesson that would not only benefit her own household but also contribute to the overall health of the community.

In 2023, Pari’s little brother took his first steps into Junior Kindergarten and he’s doing well in his studies as well. Pari’s mother says, “Thanks to Vision Rescue’s classes in our community, all my three children have received a great education.”

Now, after years of learning and growing, she has reached Senior KG. Her bright smile and confident stride are a testament to the knowledge and experiences she has gained along the way. Despite growing up in poverty, all three children share the same dream: to break free from their circumstances through education and build a better future for themselves.

Pari is currently six years old and aspires to become a doctor when she grows up. She will complete her Senior KG at BLC this year and transition to formal schooling. Having received a strong educational foundation at BLC, she is all set to embark on the next chapter of her academic journey. 

In the slum community, many children like Pari come from large families, and their parents often struggle to provide education for all of them due to poverty. Thanks to the support and cooperation of donors like you, these children are able to access free and good quality education within the safety of their community.


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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