Lafiza*, a lively 5-year-old who has been fighting with persistent underweight since she was born, lives in one of Mumbai’s slum communities. Her family moved from Uttar Pradesh seven years ago for better job opportunities. 

Lafiza’s father, who only completed tenth grade, makes chappals as a daily wage laborer. Her mother, who had a Bachelor’s degree, could not work because of her responsibilities as a housewife, taking care of her children and household tasks. Their rented house, a small single room, was constructed of flimsy materials and offered little protection. The tin roof leaks during the monsoon, letting in rain. Drafts seep through cracks in the poorly insulated structure, making it hard to stay warm in winter and difficult to escape the heat during summer. 

The family struggles to meet the high costs of electricity and gas bills, and without a private toilet, they must use public facilities, paying Rs. 5/- for every use. Access to drinking water is a privilege that they must pay for every month. 

In 2020, during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lafiza’s family faced increased economic hardships. Her father, relying on seasonal work, found it difficult to secure stable employment. In these uncertainties, Lafiza’s family received essential grocery support from Vision Rescue, which became a lifeline during the peak of the pandemic.

During a Vision Rescue outreach program, Lafiza’s family met a champion who offered hope and introduced them to the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). The champion recognized the financial struggles of the family and Lafiza’s potential and shared how BLC could transform her future. In 2021, Lafiza joined the Nursery at BLC, where she received all the necessary educational materials: a tiffin, bag, sandals, uniform, and raincoat. 

Lafiza’s educational journey started in the colorful and lively classroom of Nursery, where she learned to paint and sing and make new friends. Now, in Senior KG, she continues to grow and learn, surrounded by bright posters and friendly faces. Her Teacher at BLC says, “Lafiza is a dedicated student; she works hard and brings a lot of joy to our class with her love for learning.”

Regular dental and health check-ups have become a routine for Lafiza and her family. Her nutritional needs improved with meals she received at BLC, bringing joy and promoting a healthier lifestyle. The family, previously unaware of various health services, is now proactively participating in regular health and dental check-ups.

Focus Group Meetings (FGMs) empowered Lafiza’s mother with knowledge on critical topics like Formal School and Department Services Awareness, Child Abuse and PSE, Human Trafficking, Child Trafficking, RTE, deworming, AIDS Day, PTM Meetings, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and World Cancer Day. 

She says, “Going to health FGMs has been a big help for our family. Before, we didn’t know much about keeping our kids healthy. Now, we’ve learned important things, like what foods are good for them and how to prevent illnesses.”

Lafiza’s mother completed a fabric bag course at Vision Rescue’s vocational training. She occasionally sews salwar kameez and sells a piece for Rs. 250. However, orders are inconsistent and seasonal, making the family’s financial stability uncertain. Recently, she joined Vision Rescue as a community intern. 

In this slum community, people face daily challenges and hold onto dreams for a better future. When asked about her dreams, Lafiza giggles and says, “I want to be a doctor and give my mom injections.”

Join us in shaping a brighter future for children like Lafiza and their families. You can become a part of Vision Rescue’s transformative mission, helping children access education, healthcare, and a chance at a better life. Your support can make dreams a reality and create positive change in the heart of Mumbai’s urban challenges.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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