Ashwin*, a 4-year-old, lives with his family in a slum community near a nala (gutter). Ten years ago, Ashwin’s family migrated from UP in search of better opportunities. Unfortunately, their current living situation is far from ideal. They live near a foul-smelling nala in a cramped, rented house. Ashwin’s father works as a carpenter, but he faces challenges in finding steady employment, which makes it hard for him to pay rent on time. As a result, there are frequent delays of one to three months.

Our CCC met Ashwin’s family and his sister was the first to enroll at BLC during the pandemic. Now, she has successfully transitioned to a formal school. In 2023, Ashwin was also enrolled in BLC. His teacher shares, “Though Ashwin is shy, he is kind-hearted and obedient. He excels in his studies, shows a keen interest in sports and eagerly participates in all activities at BLC.”

Ashwin dreams of becoming a police officer when he grows up. We are deeply grateful to our Vision Rescue donors. Your support has enabled many children like Ashwin to overcome their limitations and strive for a brighter future.


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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