Have you ever stood at the crossroads of dreams and limitations? That is where our story begins, with a lovely 4-year-old named Harika.* She lives in the heart of Mumbai’s M East ward, facing daily struggles with poverty. With a staggering 78% of its population living in harsh conditions, the M East ward is one of Mumbai’s poorest areas. It consists of over 250 slums and resettlement colonies, as well as the massive 132-hectare Deonar dumping ground, where residents face challenges in obtaining even basic necessities.1 

“Life has been a struggle. Ten years ago, my husband and I left Telangana with hope in our hearts. He worked as a daily wage labourer while I took care of our home,” says Harika’s mother.

The family’s source of income was inconsistent, relying on odd jobs and seasonal work. This often meant skipping meals or eating smaller portions to make ends meet. Their house was small and rundown, with cracks in the walls and a leaky roof that dripped rainwater onto their beds during storms. Her mother sighed, “Our home is just one room with flimsy walls that let in the rain. We barely have necessities for survival.”

Despite being illiterate and burdened with household chores, Harika’s mother tirelessly cares for her three children. She rises before the sun, her worn hands already aching from the constant demands of motherhood. There is little time for rest or leisure, as every moment is devoted to ensuring her children’s well-being and survival. 

But in 2020, amidst the chaos of the COVID-19 pandemic, Harika’s family encountered an intern from Vision Rescue during a community outreach program. This encounter was a turning point that brought hope and opportunities they never thought possible. 

In 2021, Harika’s older brother became the first member of their family to join the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). He found joy in learning, making new friends, and, most importantly, having a third meal every day. Following his lead, Harika too joined in 2022. With open arms, teachers at BLC welcomed her and provided her with education and a valuable support system. She received a school kit filled with necessities she had never dreamed of – a lunch box, bag, sandals, uniform, and even a raincoat – transforming her world completely. 

Harika’s face lights up when she talks about her experience at BLC. She joyfully shares that she loves her teacher and has made two new friends at BLC. They play and learn together every day, eagerly taking their meals back home to share with their families. 

Vision Rescue ensures that every child at BLC gets healthy, nutritious meals. Harika eagerly waits to share her meal with her family, and everyone enjoys the comforting aromas of freshly prepared food. Also, all the children part of BLC receive dental and medical check-ups twice a year to keep them healthy. During a recent medical check-up, doctors found Harika had mumps. Thanks to the timely intervention, she is now undergoing treatment for a swift recovery. 

Community engagement played a significant role in transforming Harika’s family. Her mother participates in Focus Group Meetings (FGM), covering various topics, including good parenting, family planning, the Right to Education (RTE), menstruation, and nutrition for women. Also, she attended Vision Rescue’s training sessions on deworming, mouth cancer, and AIDS awareness, which empowered her with knowledge and awareness.

With a joyful smile, Harika’s mother exclaims, “BLC is such a fantastic place, and my children are doing well in their studies.” She eagerly awaits the day when her third child will also join BLC.

Harika, who’s in Junior KG dreams big! She says, “I want to be a teacher, a doctor, and police all at once!”

Thank you, dear donors. Your generous support can change the lives of children like Harika and their families. With your help, more children can access education, receive nutritious meals, and break free from the cycle of poverty. Join us in our mission to empower more children like Harika.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

You too can partner with Vision Rescue to empower people to find their purpose, enjoy their rights and live with dignity

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