In the heart of a bustling urban slum community, where the streets echo with the hustle and bustle of daily life, there is a story of hope and endurance. This tale unfolds in Mumbai’s M East ward, a place where poverty is an ever-present struggle for survival. Here, lives a 4-year-old boy named Rashid* who faces immense challenges every day.

Mumbai’s M East ward is a place of extreme poverty, with nearly 78% of its population struggling to survive in harsh conditions. The area is made up of over 250 slums, resettlement colonies, and the massive 132-hectare Deonar dumping ground. The smell of decaying waste and hopelessness hangs heavy in the air as families cling together in small, rundown homes, constantly fighting for their basic amenities.

Access to clean drinking water is a luxury in Mumbai’s slum communities, and residents often have to pay for this basic necessity. Healthcare services are limited, and sanitation and hygiene are not given enough attention. The lack of private toilets and faucets is one of the most pressing issues in the slums. Residents are forced to pay for the use of public restrooms and purchase expensive water from vendors. Moreover, toilets do not have electricity or running water, making survival a daily struggle.

In 2021, Rashid’s family migrated from Bihar to Mumbai, hoping for a better life. However, their experience in Mumbai has been marked by financial instability and health risks, far from the smooth sailing they had hoped for. Rashid’s father works as a rag picker under the scorching sun to make ends meet, while his mother takes care of household duties. Despite their hardships, Rashid’s parents hold onto the dream of giving their son an education, something they could not afford themselves.

It was a day like any other in 2022 when the volunteers of Vision Rescue knocked on the door of Rashid’s household. For Rashid and his family, this visit was more than just a simple knock on the door – it was a glimmer of hope, a promise of a brighter future. The volunteers welcomed Rashid with open arms and warm smiles into our Beacon Learning Center (BLC), marking the beginning of Rashid’s journey of transformation and growth.

Thanks to the support of donors like you, Rashid found a way out of the cycle of poverty and began his journey toward a brighter future.

Every morning, Rashid wakes up without any fuss, gets ready, and feels excited to go to BLC to see his teacher and meet his friends. He walks through the bustling streets, holding onto his mother’s hand tightly. They make their way through a maze of narrow alleys, passing by colourful street vendors and noisy storefronts to reach BLC.

Upon reaching BLC, Rashid’s excitement reaches a peak. He is welcomed by the familiar faces of his classmates and the warmth of his teachers. Initially, he was a shy and reserved child, but he quickly blossomed into an active, confident student who thrived in his studies, sports, and social interactions. His teachers couldn’t help but marvel at his transformation. “When Rashid first joined BLC, he was quiet and reserved, still adjusting to the new environment,” his teacher shared fondly. “But as time went on, we saw him come out of his shell, eagerly participating in discussions and learning at a rapid pace.”

Rashid has completed his nursery and is currently enrolled in Junior KG. His favourite memory at Vision Rescue’s BLC is the sports day program, where he participated in various games and activities with his classmates and friends. When asked about his dreams for the future, her eyes lit up with hope. “I want to become a police officer,” he declared, his voice filled with determination. “I want to help people, just like how Vision Rescue helped us.”

Vision Rescue not only focused on Rashid’s education but also on empowering his family. Rashid’s mother, who was previously unemployed, received vocational training in making paper bags through Vision Rescue. Now, she makes and sells them earning Rs. 100/- for 20 bags. Rashid’s mother is also an active champion and attends all Focus Group Meetings (FGMs) regularly.

As you read Rashid’s story, may his journey touch your heart, inspiring you to join hands with the mission of Vision Rescue to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all our donors and partners who have played a vital role in transforming the lives of Rashid and many others like him. Your support can open doors to endless possibilities for those in need. Every child has the potential to achieve their dreams, and Rashid’s dreams hold the promise of a brighter future.


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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