Taskiya’s slum community is bursting with children like her – three-to-six year olds roaming the streets alone, prey to anti-social elements, simply because the local schools around them mostly admit children over six, and their parents can in no way afford private education.
Taskiya’s father is a tailor and his sole income supports their family of five. They live beside an open creek brimming with garbage, and for as long as Taskiya can remember, she’s always been weak with anaemia.

The kuchha (makeshift) home that Taskiya has known from birth has no water or washroom. If they can afford the pay-per-use toilets nearby, they get to use decent sanitation. If the tankers that charge by the litre come their way, they get clean drinking water. Quality education wasn’t on the cards for Taskiya or her two younger siblings.

Today, though, Taskiya and her sister Aadiba attend our pre-primary classes in their slum community only because your donations power our learning centre there. Every school day, the children get to open their minds to worlds beyond poverty through all that they’re learning. They are loved and nurtured by teachers and community workers who believe in their potential.

In class, Taskiya loves drawing and reciting rhymes. She says she wants to become a doctor. It’s you who inspired this dream in her, because through your financial support, Taskiya was referred to a hospital and her anaemia was finally treated.

Taskiya and Aadiba’s mother Razda Bano says she that though her children have been a part of our learning centre for a year, she still can’t believe that they get such quality pre-primary education for free! “For a short while long ago we sent Taskiya to a private school, but we just couldn’t afford it. We are so grateful that our children can now learn and grow at Vision Rescue,” she says.

Razda has just completed a vocational training course in making paper bags at our community centre, and even begun to take on income generating orders. She’s now eager to skill herself further by joining our tailoring course too!

Thank you for your gifts that have rescued Taskiya and Aadiba from spending their lives playing in the dirt around their slum community. You’ve gifted them dignity, hope, dreams and purpose instead.