Tarranuum and Teherim Shaikh are the middle children to Nasim and Farida, a truck driver and homemaker respectively. They have an older sister Tabassum, aged 12, who studies in Class 6 at a municipal school and their youngest sibling is a one-and-a-half-year-old toddler.

As Nasim is the sole breadwinner in the family, money was stretched tight among the four children, with barely enough left to run the home.

Education was not on the cards for Tarranuum and Teherim until you stepped in last year and helped enroll them into our Beacon Learning Centre inside the slum community at Shivaji Nagar.

When Teherim first joined our classes, she was found to be malnourished. The daily nutritious meal provided after school was not enough to bring her back to complete wellness. So she was referred to a hospital by our medical team and given nutritional supplements and counselling. Over the last year, her health has substantially improved because you’ve aided her right from the start!

Today, both girls are in our Senior and Junior KG classes respectively and their mother advocates for the causes of nutrition and education within her slum community.

Thank you for reaching out and uplifting this family with your support!