Ten year old Sunny had already seen more than enough of despair, poverty and rejection in his budding life. his mother ended her life when he was five years old; when he could not even comprehend the reason why he was left to face life on his own.

Sunny’s older brothers aged 13 and 12 have the privilege to attend the local government school and are in grades 8 and 5. But when it comes to him, his father refused to send him to school. His father procured an income by begging on the streets in another part of the city. Sunny was forced to join his father in begging from a very tender age. Whenever he refused to go begging with his father he was beaten up until he subdued.

After his mother was gone, his father abandoned the family and went his own way. His aged grandmother was the only one left for these children.

When she was alive, his mother used to sell used clothes for a living. Now their grandmother has stepped into that role and sells used clothes to try and make ends meet for these children. Sunny saw a ray of hope when Vision Rescue started the Education Program in his slum community.

In the beginning of the next academic year he will be joining formal school, where he can pursue his education and live a life at par with his older brothers.

Under the care of Vision Rescue, he is now receiving education, nutrition and healthcare for himself and his family, so that these kids can sustain in education and pursue their dreams. Sunny aspires to become a Policeman, standing for justice and protection!

Thank you for setting flight to Sunny’s dreams. Your continued support is releasing children like Sunny to be valued and empowered to live a life of dignity.