Everyday people living in Sneha’s* slum communities have to pay Rs. 60 to get drinking water. Living in unauthorised settlements such as these, people here are deprived of basic municipal facilities such as water, electricity, sanitation, etc.

It’s been over a decade since Sneha’s father moved to Mumbai as he did not have enough job opportunities back in his village. He settled in one of the poorest slums in the city. Sneha grew up in unhygienic surroundings and her health was always affected. Despite their difficult circumstances, Sneha’s father worked hard to provide for his family and keep them safe.

3 years ago, in 2019, Sneha was enrolled in our Beacon Learning Centre. Along with quality education, Sneha was given classroom stationery, uniforms, a lunchbox, school kit, etc and she benefited from our health assessments, dental checkups and also a hearty nutritious midday meal every weekday. Sneha loved to help her teachers in distributing these lunch boxes to her classmates.

In March 2020, a nationwide lockdown was announced to curb the spread of coronavirus. The lockdown resulted in a huge crisis in the economy and the country’s unemployment rate rose to  7.11 per cent in 2020  . Sneha’s father was one among those affected by it. With no source of income, things were getting difficult for Sneha’s family but with your generous support we were able to help Sneha’s family with groceries each month throughout the pandemic. Their family was held back from hunger thanks to these timely monthly groceries.

During the pandemic, thousands of tenants in the Indian state of Maharashtra were unable to pay regular rent as their paying capacity had been exhausted. Sneha’s father too struggled with the same. One hit after another, Sneha’s family bore the brunt of the pandemic and its many fallout.

The pandemic also forced our classrooms to close, and Sneha could no longer access our online lessons as she had no working device to log in online. Once again, your donations stepped in to help and enabled Vision Rescue to give 800 tabs to our children who were left behind by the digital divide. Sneha was one among these beneficiaries. Sneha’s mom was the happiest to see her child continue her studies online even during the pandemic!

Sneha loves studying and now she knows the names of animals and birds in English. Her mother was overjoyed to see Sneha’s progress report from her teachers at our Open House.

Your gifts have not only engaged little Sneha in education but have also been empowering her mother. Sneha’s mother started joining our focus group meetings in her slum community. Gradually, she joined our Vocational Training classes and completed our Mehendi (henna) course too.

Thank you for extending your helping hand to Sneha and her family in the most difficult times. It is your support that has been sustaining little Sneha in education and she dreams of becoming a teacher when she grows up!

*Names changed to protect identity.