Barak* is a young boy, only seven years old. He shares a cramped and rundown home with his large family. Their neighbourhood is not the best; the streets are littered with garbage and open drains that emit a foul stench. To make matters worse, there’s a dumpsite nearby that only adds to the unpleasantness of their living conditions. Despite these conditions, Barak found joy in playing with his siblings and friends, exploring the neighbourhood, and always looking for new adventures.

Barak comes from a family where both his parents are illiterate. Their lives are further complicated by their struggles with addiction; his father constantly battles alcoholism, disappearing into a haze of drunkenness, while his mother fights against her nicotine cravings. Despite their tireless efforts, the family of eight, with little Barak and his siblings, face a daunting uphill battle to simply make ends meet.

In 2011, a ray of hope emerged for Barak’s family. Barak’s elder sister was the first to join Vision Rescue’s Bus Program, which provided educational opportunities and meals for children in the slum communities. Later, when the Beacon Learning Center (BLC) was established in their community, the other three siblings were also enrolled.

Barak’s parents were filled with immense relief and joy as they witnessed the positive changes in their children’s lives. His father says, “Seeing my children study fills me with joy. I regret not giving the same opportunity to my elder daughter, but I’m proud to see the rest of my kids receiving an education and growing up clean and neat.”

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in March 2020, Barak’s family faced new challenges. With his father losing his job and worries about food security growing, Vision Rescue’s intervention provided a lifeline for the family, offering much-needed support during times of crisis. Every month, they were provided with a grocery kit that helped ensure their children had access to healthy food. 

Thanks to our generous donors for their support during lockdown, no one in the family went to bed hungry. They even received snacks for their children, easing some of the strain during these difficult times.

Barak’s educational journey began in 2018 when he was enrolled into BLC. At first, he had been hesitant and resistant to the idea of studying, but with the gentle encouragement and support from dedicated teachers and CCC (Community Case Counsellor), Barak gradually warmed up to the concept of education. Despite facing challenges as a slow learner, his determination and resilience shone through as he steadily made progress in his studies. 

Beyond academic growth, Vision Rescue’s approach to holistic development ensured that Barak received comprehensive care, including regular dental and medical check-ups, to support his overall well-being. With each passing day, Barak’s journey at Vision Rescue’s BLC became one of hope and transformation.

As Barak progressed through the program, his family couldn’t help but notice the remarkable changes in him. His once dull and disinterested expression had been replaced with one of eagerness and determination. His teacher at BLC says, “Barak may be a slow learner, but he is growing and progressing every day. I’m sure he will achieve great things.”

His mother beamed with pride as she spoke of his newfound love for studying, playing with friends, and savouring the nutritious meals provided at BLC. “It’s like a new world has opened up for him,” she said with a smile. “BLC is good for him – he comes home happy and full of energy. And he can’t stop talking about his teacher, friends and how much he loves the food!” 

Barak says he wants to grow up and be an army officer someday. Like Barak, there are many children in the slum communities who miss out on their right to education. We at Vision Rescue extend support to the families in whatever way we can so their children can engage and sustain in education. 

We thank you, dear donors, for empowering them to find their purpose, enjoy their rights and live with dignity.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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