Samreen is one of seven children to Abdul and Tarranum Shaikh. She’s a bright student with a desire to excel, and she studies in the eighth standard at a government school in Shivaji Nagar.

Samreen’s father is an electrician and her mother is a homemaker. They do not live in the slum community at Shivaji Nagar, but Samreen and four of her siblings attend the government school that admits children who graduate from Vision Rescue’s education programs in slums.

For several months now, we have conducted combat sports lessons at these government schools as a way to build partnerships with such institutions in the vicinity and to encourage our children studying there to continue with their education.

Samreen was a regular at one of these courses, until one day she dropped out of school altogether.

Her family was lean on money and Samreen’s education was sacrificed as a result.

Our coaches met with her family to understand the situation better. They convinced Samreen’s parents to send her back to school, and they even helped her catch up with the martial arts lessons that she had missed.

Samreen worked hard and soon she was ready to give her Green Belt test with the other students. She passed the test, and now wants to prepare for the Black Belt test! Samreen hopes to continue and complete her education, as well as prepare for more martial arts competitive tournaments!

Thank you for encouraging girls like Samreen to fight for their future