Samira’s mother Chandani was married off by her family as a teenager. Her husband Anwar was a teenager too – the son of her father’s friend. The couple settled into a one-roomed home in one of Mumbai’s fastest-growing slum communities.

They were young and ill-informed; they soon became parents to little Samira and Neha, and they struggled to survive in the slum. Anwar found odd jobs as a laborer to provide for the family.

Married away underage, the couple had never had the chance to complete their education; so they didn’t value education for their children either. As parents to two daughters, their traditional upbringing had taught them that girls were a liability – educating them was not worth the investment.

So little Samira and Neha grew up in the slum community without attending school. That’s until a Vision Rescue community officer met the family one afternoon.

What followed were weeks of counseling for both parents on how education could be the game-changer that broke the cycle of poverty in their family. Finally convinced, the parents agree to admit Samira and Neha in our classes.

Your gifts enabled the children to overcome orthodox beliefs and enjoy the privilege of education. Samira joined our Open Basic Education Class 1, and Neha joined our Nursery.

Your donations also transformed their mother Chandani’s life. As soon as the kids joined our Beacon Learning Centre. Chandani was enrolled into our bracelet making course. Now skilled, she can soon become financially independent!

In March 2020, when the pandemic hit, Anwar could find no work to feed his family. Life was a tightrope and the family was struggling to survive.

Your generosity reached out once again to Samira’s family with groceries every month and nutritious snacks for the children.

Your contributions have played an important role to help these precious girls continue their studies online even during the pandemic.

Thank You for Reaching out with Love to this beautiful family!