Nine year old Safina is the youngest of 4 siblings who were abandoned by their parents. Babloo, Samina and Fulkan are her 3 older siblings aged 17, 12 and 10 respectively. Eight years ago Safina and her siblings along with their grandmother migrated to Mumbai from the state of Uttar Pradesh.

Their parents abandoned them and remarried, leaving them under the care of their aged grandmother who suffers from Asthma and is unable to work.

17 year old Babloo soon had to shoulder the responsibility of looking after his grandmother and younger siblings and is the sole breadwinner of the family of five. He manages to help out at a Tailor’s where he eventually learnt the skill.

They live in a small rented room and barely have food to eat everyday. Twelve year old Samina manages the household chores and looks after her siblings. Due to their poor economic situation and lack of knowledge, they didn’t even consider schooling as something they could dream of.

Thanks to the Community Workers who go about door to door looking out for children who do not experience the gift of education. On coming across these children, who never left home, their grandmother was counseled to send them for non formal education to the Beacon Learning Centre in Shivaji Nagar.

Now all 3 of them are a part of our education program and are progressing well. The whole family is under the care of Vision Rescue receiving nutritious meals, education, medical and dental care and counselling, motivating the children to dream big.

Safina aspires to become a Doctor someday and be a source of relief to ailing people.

Thank you for stepping into the world of these precious ones, with a hand to lift them up to a life of hope and dignity.