What he finds – reusable plastic, broken glass, recyclable metal – fetches him his day’s wages at the local markets.
This life mired in rubbish is the only way Jamil knows to make a living. While his profession keeps his family alive, it comes almost at the cost of their lives.

Your donations toward children like Ruqaya gift their parents like Jamil hope. Jamil’s sole income supports their family of 8, and he is so grateful that Ruqaya can lead a better life than his because she’s been gifted early education. She’s just 3 today, but she can read and write, recite the alphabet and rattle off rhymes.
When she returned, she came all guns blazing. She couldn’t wait to catch up on the time lost, and she’d even volunteer to study at home in the evenings!

Thank You for gifting dreams to Ruqaya and lifting burdens off Jamil. This family is so thankful to you for reaching out with love to them!