Ruby* (*Name changed) is four years old and was brought to the Medical bus team this month. With big beautiful eyes and chubby cheeks she turned up at the door of the bus with a very sad look on her face. None of the team were able to coax a smile out of her!

Her mother explained that Ruby had been suffering from persistent stomach aches, and she wasn’t sure how to stop her from getting sick.

After the check-up, the doctor found Ruby had thick black dirt underneath each nail. Dr. Fernandes was able to explain to her mother the importance of hygiene in their home.

‘The simple things like cutting her daughter’s nails and frequent hand washing with soap could stop her little one from getting ill so often.’

Teaching basic hygiene to ruby’s mother helped her to care for her daughter better.

The love and care shown by our medical staff brings value and dignity to ruby and many like her.