Aafiya*, a 5-year-old, is the third child in her family. Her family migrated in 2014 from Kolkata to a Mumbai slum community, in search of a brighter future. Their journey reflects the hopes and dreams of countless families like theirs who move in pursuit of a better life. 

This slum community in Mumbai has a population of over 150,000 people. The slum is situated on a marshy land, and the living conditions are deplorable. The houses are small and cramped, and the streets are narrow and dirty. Basic amenities such as water, sanitation, and electricity are lacking. 

Healthcare is a gamble, with diseases lurking at every corner. Open defecation and poor hygiene amplify the risks, making every illness a potential catastrophe. The residents of the slum are primarily impoverished and marginalized individuals who work in various low-paying jobs, including construction, domestic work, and rag-picking. The slum is also home to many children not enrolled in school.1

In this challenging slum, Aafiya lives with her illiterate parents and three siblings. They encounter several problems in the community. Their house, constructed from fragile materials, is a small, cramped pucca house that shelters six family members. Access to basic amenities is a daily struggle, as they lack proper toilet facilities, clean water, and a secure shelter. The absence of adequate healthcare services further adds to their worries. In addition, Aafiya’s father, who deals with a disability, faces immense challenges in providing for the family. Both parents struggle to provide adequate care and attention to their children’s health, initially lacking awareness of their health concerns.

Aafiya’s parents, despite being illiterate, understand the importance of education and wholeheartedly encourage their children to attend school and pursue their studies. Aafiya’s elder sister is in 5th grade, her second sibling is in the 2nd grade, and her third sibling is in nursery. 

Aafiya’s journey with Vision Rescue began when her family encountered one of Vision Rescue’s interns during a survey for new academic enrollments. They learned about Vision Rescue and enrolled Aafiya in the Beacon Learning Center (BLC) in June 2022. She joined the nursery class and received essential educational materials, including a lunchbox, school bag, sandals, uniform, and raincoat. These provisions excited her about attending school regularly, and she showed a keen interest in her studies.

Vision Rescue has played a crucial role in educating Aafiya’s family about healthcare. All the children part of BLC receive dental and medical check-ups twice a year to keep them healthy. Aafiya received medications, including multivitamins, calcium, and deworming medicine, during medical check-ups. Her parents were initially unaware of the need for dental and medical check-ups, but Vision Rescue’s guidance helped them to understand its importance.

Nutrition was another essential aspect of Vision Rescue’s support. Aafiya, like her peers, received nutritious meals during the day. This was significant, as some children struggled to eat homemade food. Meals provided at Vision Rescue’s BLC not only ensured she ate healthily, but also made her enjoy her meals more.

Vision Rescue also facilitated the family’s access to government schemes, helping them start a small business through the Pradhan Mantri Phariwala Yojana and enabling Aafiya’s father to avail of the disability pension scheme. Aafiya’s mother enrolled in Vision Rescue’s Skill Development and Livelihood Training program, where she acquired vocational skills that empowered her to provide for the family.

Aafiya’s mother says, “Vision Rescue has made a big difference in my life. My daughter is now receiving a good education, and I am learning new skills that will help me support my family.”

Community engagement played a significant role in transforming Aafiya’s family. Her mother actively participated in Focus Group Meetings (FGM) starting November 2022. These meetings covered various topics, including good parenting, family planning, the Right to Education (RTE), menstruation, and nutrition for women. Also, she attended Vision Rescue’s training sessions on deworming, mouth cancer, and AIDS awareness, which empowered her with knowledge and awareness.

As Aafiya has now enrolled in a formal school, Vision Rescue has ongoing plans to ensure her continued success in education. VR’s dedicated Community Case Counsellor (CCC) will actively engage in formal school follow-ups, supporting Aafiya as she progresses in her studies. This ongoing assistance aims to help Aafiya sustain her educational journey, ensuring she receives guidance and encouragement.

Aafiya’s story is a powerful reminder of the positive impact we can create when we come together to support those in need. Join us in our mission to empower more children like Aafiya and their families. Your support can help us create brighter futures and thriving communities.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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