Early last year Rehan Rehemat Ali Naie broke his elbow in his hometown at Gonda district, Uttar Pradesh.

With no adequate medical help available there, Rehan was unable to continue in school and his family decided to migrate to Mumbai to find treatment.

Rehan’s parents and three siblings moved into a temporary hutment in the slum community at Maharashtra Nagar. His father took up a job as a barber earning about Rs. 200 a day, and then began their search for a hospital for Rehan.

Three government hospitals with subsidised treatment for the poor, rejected Rehan because the family did not have any valid identification or address proof as they were slum dwellers.

Finally, Rehan was treated at a private hospital with high rates, and he was able to study again. But there was no affordable schools near his slum community, so Rehan remained a drop out.

In June this year, our community worker met Rehan and admitted him into Class 1 at our Beacon Learning Centre inside the slum. His siblings Henna and Rahil, who were out of school as well, joined Rehan’s class. Their youngest sibling Sahil entered our Junior KG.

Within a few weeks though, Rehan stopped coming to school. His elbow had cracked again because of the poor operation done by the private hospital.

Thanks to your support, our medical team was able to get Rehan to a government hospital and redo the operation, successfully this time.

Rehan recovered well enough to return to school, and our medical team is supporting his follow-up physiotherapy too! Rehan comes early to school every day to welcome the other students, and he looks forward to learning Hindi, drawing and eating his mid-day snack! He wants to grow up and become a fashion designer.

Thank You for helping Rehan and his siblings pursue an education despite all odds!