Rehan is just 4, but he’s seen more than children his age should ever have to. 

He was a regular student at our Beacon Learning Centre in his slum community when one day he stopped coming to class altogether. Rehan’s community worker visited their home and found him severely bruised – punched in his eyes, chest and private parts – and unable to step outside his home.

Rehan had been the victim of domestic abuse.

Our community worker roped in our medical team, who referred him to the nearest municipal hospital and Rehan was treated for his internal and external injuries.

Our team continued to follow up on his recovery, and also began counselling his family. 

Rehan’s father and mother had both grown up in Mumbai, but never finished their education because their families couldn’t afford it. Rehan’s father was a child labourer, and though his mother had completed studying upto Class 10, she was married off immediately after school because of financial constraints.

After marriage, the couple took up a one-room hutment in their present slum community. Their oldest child – Rehan – was born here.

This life of extreme poverty, without steady work or income, lack of education, and limited access to basic resources like water, electricity and sanitation took its toll on Rehan’s father. And he began to act out against his family.

Rehan bore the brunt this time

Through counselling, Rehan’s family began to understand the devastating effects of child abuse. They began attending Vision Rescue’s parents’ meetings, awareness camps and focus-group meetings, and Rehan’s mother learnt how to protect her children from harm.

It’s been a year-and-a-half since Rehan first walked through our doors. He came back to class after a few weeks away and today his family looks very different from when we first met them. More peace prevails in their home, Rehan’s rights are safeguarded, and he’s back to focusing on his education.

Thank you for supporting Rehan at the lowest point of his life, reaching out with love to his family and helping them on the road to recovery!