Reena is just 17 but she’s far older than her years. When she was a little girl, her father left their home because he was struggling with a mental health issue. He left behind her mother Pushpa and three children, all under ten years. Pushpa immediately took up a job selling vegetables to keep the family alive, and Reena became mum to her younger brother and sister.

By the time Reena was in Class 7, her mother had remarried and two more children were added to the family – Ganesh and Saniya. Reena dropped out of school to look after the four younger children, while her mother and stepfather worked to keep the family afloat.

A year ago, you entered the picture with vocational training classes for adolescent girls like Reena who had been forced to give up on formal education. Reena joined our tailoring classes, and for the first time in years she got to focus on herself, build her skills and prepare for an independent future.

Next she joined our self-defence classes for vocational course trainees, and today she’s a part of our support group for adolescent girls. Here she gets to let her hair down for a little carefree girl time, talk about the things that matter with others her age and grow her self-confidence.

As for Reena’s step-brother Ganesh, he’s now in our junior kindergarten class right within their slum community! Every morning, Reena gets him ready for class and he comes in eager for his favourite part of the day – learning rhymes and poems!

Because of your generous donations, Ganesh has also received a nutritious meal every single school day, dental and health check-ups as well as sports lessons. Your gifts have also provided counselling and support for Reena and Ganesh’s parents who often succumb to substance abuse leading to volatile fights at home.

Thank YOU for believing in Reena, Ganesh and their family and investing in them in every way possible. Your gifts are reaping benefits for generations to come!