Ragini’s father had moved to Mumbai from one of India’s poorest states years ago, hoping to make a living for his family here.

He found work at the metropolis’s numerous construction sides and is today the sole earning member of his family. Ragini, her mother and two older siblings depend on his daily-wage income for their survival.

We first met Ragini playing on the streets of her slum community. “We can’t afford to enrol her in school,” said Ragini’s mother. She said that the nearest school was too far away and that they didn’t have the money for the daily commute and basic school necessities. They could just about meet their needs for food, water, electricity and rent.

Our community officer told the family about quality, free education available for Ragini at Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Centre inside their slum community. Her mother couldn’t believe her ears when she heard “Free Education”.

She happily enrolled her in our Beacon Learning Centre.

But little Ragini was not fond of classes; she would cry for her mother all day. She loved playing on the streets and would often run out of our classroom door.

With counselling, Ragini’s parents began encouraging her to come to class regularly. She grew to love her teachers and friends. Your donations reached out to her with stationery, books, bags, nutritious meals every weekday, health assessments and dental checkups.

When the first lockdown happened in 2020, Ragini’s father could no longer step out for construction work. The family lost the sole income they were dependent on. It was your generosity that reached out to Ragini’s family with groceries every month. They were able to put food on their table only because of these provisions.

Ragini’s family also had one working smartphone at home, and through that Ragini could continue her education online with us even during the lockdown.

Thank You for welcoming Ragini into education, supporting her family in their tough days and for empowering her to dream!