In the depths of Maharashtra Nagar slum, our bus met Preeti Meroliya. Growing up with two brothers and two sisters, the family income of her mother wasn‘t enough to support the family. Having no father figure to depend upon, Preeti took on the financial burdens of her family.

Her mother soon retired and relied on the children to provide. She would take any job that came her way that paid anything. She would wash clothes or collect rubbish, but her main income was from working in the construction industry. Literally being the backbone to this family, the young girl had no choice but to drop out in the 5th grade as she ran around the city working at a myriad of jobs in order to survive.

When we met this strong young girl, we were amazed at her quiet determination and perseverance. She has a very boisterous character but a soft heart. She told us that her dream is to just help everyone around her.

Our team is committed to seeing Preeti complete her schooling and help see her dreams fulfilled.