Polio, a once rampant disease causing devastation worldwide, has seen a remarkable decline in cases since 1988, thanks to widespread vaccination efforts.1 However, the fact that Elias* struggles with the disease serves as a reminder of the ongoing threat of polio. This highly infectious virus attacks the nervous system, leading to paralysis and potentially life-threatening complications. 

Elias, a young boy from Uttar Pradesh, has been struggling with polio for the past eight years. He experienced the devastating effects of missing the polio vaccine, as the disease affected his limbs and limited his ability to live a normal life. With five siblings and parents who are illiterate, his family is constantly struggling to make ends meet. They moved to Mumbai, hoping to find better medical treatment for Elias.

Elias’s father works as a daily wage labourer and earns a monthly income that can vary between Rs. 6,000 to Rs. 10,000. Occasionally, Elias’s mother and older sister create latkan (decorative hanging tassels) at home as a way to earn additional income. After completing the 7th grade, his sister decided to drop out of school due to her lack of interest in academics. Instead, she took on the responsibility of caring for her younger siblings at home. Elias’ older brother had discontinued his studies to help support the family. He’s now learning carpentry, so he can secure a job quickly.

Elias could not attend school because of his ongoing treatment for polio, and his family was afraid to send him for fear of further complications. Our Community Case Counselor (CCC) stepped in and met with the family to emphasise the importance of education. Thanks to this intervention, Elias could enroll in BLC and continue his education. 

Initially, Elias didn’t know the ABCs or numbers, but now he has gained the confidence to read and write fluently in both English and Hindi. This remarkable improvement is a testament to the unwavering commitment of the BLC teachers and the nurturing environment they create for their students. Thank you, dear donors, for your generous support in making this possible.

Elias has not only made academic progress at BLC, but he has also found something invaluable; friends. The school has become a place where he can build long-lasting relationships and not feel alone while facing life’s challenges. The company of his fellow students has added another layer of happiness to Elias’s life. His teacher happily states, “Elias is naturally helpful; he helps other kids too. He dreams of becoming a police officer when he grows up.”

At BLC, nutritious meals are provided to children like Elias as they are crucial for their growth and development. These meals ensure that children have the necessary nourishment to concentrate on their studies and perform well in school. Elias’ mother sends her son to BLC not only for education but also to receive that vital third meal, as the family struggles to afford three meals a day.

Vision Rescue provides more than just education and nutritional support; we also offer healthcare services such as medical and dental check-ups. These services have made Elias’ family more aware of health issues and the importance of regular medical care. The children receive dental and medical treatments twice a year, addressing concerns they were previously unaware of. As part of the healthcare services, Elias receives medication, including multivitamins, calcium supplements, and deworming medicine, which his family was initially unaware of.

Education can provide opportunities for impoverished children like Elias to overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams. Elias has been receiving medical treatment. Even though there is currently no cure for polio, it can be prevented through vaccination. He’s 9 years old now and is currently in Grade III. Every day, with a bright smile on his face, he eagerly heads to BLC to learn from his teachers and play with his classmates. He is filled with energy and enthusiasm in the classroom. We are grateful for our devoted teachers, who pour their hearts into educating these young minds.

Elias’ life story serves as a powerful reminder of the critical role of vaccines and the ongoing battle against polio. By promoting awareness and supporting vaccination initiatives, we can strive towards a future where every child is protected from the devastating consequences of this avoidable illness.

We are grateful to our kind donors for shaping a brighter future for children like Elias and their families. You can also become a part of Vision Rescue’s transformative mission, helping children access education, healthcare, and a chance at a better life. 


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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