Little Nirikshan loves watching trains run past, and he can’t wait to grow up and become a professional train driver. He was born in one of Mumbai’s largest slum communities and although he lives in a tiny home made of tin sheets with no windows, his dreams go beyond his circumstances.
In 2018, your gifts enabled Nirikshan to step out his world of poverty, and enter the incredible world of education. He joined our nursery first, and is today in our junior kindergarten.
Nirikshan’s older brother Stephen had been a student at our Beacon Learning Centre for two years. He graduated into a formal school and our team of community workers have been in touch with his family, monitoring their progress. Stephen is now in Class 2 and he’s excited to stick with his education come what may!

The children’s mother Martha so loved the care and attention that Stephen received in our classes, that she enrolled Nirikshan as soon as he was old enough.

Martha herself had to drop out of school after Class 5, and her husband after Class 10. It was their biggest dream that their children get educated and lead a better life than them. Thank YOU for reaching out with love and helping this family in need fulfill their dreams!

Over the last year, Martha has also completed our tailoring course for mothers of our children, and today she can’t hold in her joy and pride she closes up tailoring orders from her community.
For nearly a decade of her married life, she’d desired to somehow supplement her husband’s income, and today, because you’ve chosen to empower Martha with vocational skills, she too can contribute to their children’s upliftment.

Thank you for empowering Martha, Stephen and Nirikshan over the last four years! It’s your steady contributions, month after month, that have made this journey possible.

The seeds that you have sown into this family’s life with reap benefits for generations to come!