At Vision Rescue, we ensure that our children and their families are always loved unconditionally by our team, adding value and dignity to their lives. Nasrin’s* mother is one such parent who was moved by the love she received from Vision Rescue’s staff. But before we get to her story, let’s meet little Nasrin!

Six-year-old Nasrin lives in one of the largest slums in the city of Mumbai. The slum community where Nasrin lives struggles with unhygienic surroundings and poor sanitation, as it is bordered by the city’s largest garbage dump.

In Mumbai’s public schools, there has been a consistent 9 percent dropout rate after students pass Class 8 due to socio-economic backgrounds. Nasrin’s siblings were among those numbers. Their circumstances did not allow Nasrin’s three siblings to continue their studies. It was almost certain that Nasrin too would follow the same path, but your gifts changed her life.

While our Community Case Officers were in search of children who had never been to school we met Nasrin and her mother. Nasrin’s mother learnt how powerful and transformative education could be. She was happy to know that Nasrin won’t have to travel to class far from her community but our Beacon Learning Centres provide quality education, free of cost right inside her slum community.

Nasrin was enrolled in our Nursery class in 2018. Your donations reached out to Nasrin with a hearty nutritious midday meal every weekday, stationery, uniform, health assessments, dental checkups and much more. Gradually, Nasrin grew to love her classes. “She is one of the most obedient children in class,” says her teacher.

Over the next two years, Little Nasrin went on to complete her Junior and Senior Kindergarten with us.

Nasrin’s father is the sole-earning member of their family. He worked hard to provide for the family while her mother looked after the house and the children. When the lockdown of March 2020 was announced, Nasrin’s father couldn’t go to work anymore. With the closure of schools, offices, etc. he was worried about Nasrin’s education. The coronavirus was spreading rapidly but the circumstances made Nasrin’s mother fear hunger more than the coronavirus. With no source of income, where would their next meal come from.

Things could have gotten worse but your help reached Nasrin’s family right on time. With your donations and support, we were able to provide groceries to her family each month of the pandemic along with nutritious snacks for the children; soaps, sanitizers and much more.

During the lockdown, Nasrin was left behind by the digital divide due to the transition from physical classrooms to online classes. With your support we raised an army of Education Representatives who taught children like Nasrin on their smartphones, so that they are not left behind.

Today, Nasrin studies in our OBE classes for children over age 6 and we look forward to enrolling her in formal school soon!

Nasrin’s mother is deeply thankful for the love you – the Vision Rescue community of supporters – have shown her family down the years. From 2018 to date, you have met her daughter’s need to engage and sustain in education. Her risk of dropping out of education, like her older siblings, is considerably lower thanks to your interventions. When the pandemic brought its nightmares of unemployment and hunger, your donations ensured that their family was held back from starvation, and best of all – even though hundreds of children in Nasrin’s slum community dropped out of education because they didn’t have a digital device to study on – little Nasrin soldiered right on, thanks to our Education Representatives. “Thank you for being so kind to us!” says Nasrin’s mother.

*Names changed to protect identity.