Nuha* comes from a small village in Bihar, and she is a mother of two beautiful children–a 9-year-old boy and a 4-year-old girl. She was married at a young age, and after 4 years, they moved to Mumbai for better job opportunities and education for their children. With that hope in their hearts, they left their village and embarked on a journey to create a better life for their family. However, reality hit them hard when they arrived.

Nuha says, “Life in Mumbai was tough, with crowded streets and many struggles just to get by. We missed our village a lot, where things were simple. Everything was tough in the big city, and it felt like our dreams were falling apart.” She continues, saying, “Life hasn’t been a bed of roses for us, but the love for our children became the driving force that kept us going…”

Her husband, who only studied until the 6th standard, works tirelessly as a daily wage laborer and earns up to Rs. 10,000 monthly. She, on the other hand, has studied until the 7th standard. She rises with the sun every morning and attends to her household responsibilities as a devoted housewife. She takes pride in keeping her home clean and organised and carefully prepares meals for her family.

They live in a small house, i.e., less than 150 sq ft. It may be tiny, but it’s their own. Their home is surrounded by a maze of narrow lanes, constant sewage stench, and pests. Survival meant adapting to the harsh conditions of rats and cockroaches. The cramped living conditions are now a part of their daily life in this unforgiving community. Every month, they struggle to manage their expenses, balancing the costs of electricity, gas, water, and groceries. These bills eat up more than half of their income, making every rupee count. 

Just as they were considering enrolling their son in school, they came across a Community Case Counsellor (CCC) from Vision Rescue. The CCC encouraged the parents to send their children to the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). Their son became the first to join BLC in 2018, and in 2022, Sakeena* also became part of BLC. This opportunity unlocked educational possibilities for both their children.

Sakeena’s educational journey started in the colorful and lively classroom of Nursery, where she learned to paint and sing and make new friends. Now, in Junior KG, she continues to grow and learn, surrounded by bright posters and friendly faces. Her Teacher at BLC says, “Sakeena is a quiet student, but she observes a lot, works hard, and learns faster.”

Regular dental and health check-ups have become a routine for Sakeena and her family. Her nutritional needs improved with the meals she received at BLC. The family, previously unaware of various health services, is now proactively participating in regular health and dental check-ups.

Focus Group Meetings (FGMs) empowered Nuha with knowledge on critical topics like Formal School and Department Services Awareness, Child Abuse and PSE, Human Trafficking, Child Trafficking, RTE, deworming, AIDS Day, PTM Meetings, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and World Cancer Day. She says, “Going to FGMs has been a big help for our family. Before, we didn’t know much about health, hygiene and sanitation. Now, we’ve learned a lot of important things.”

Nuha, now a champion, has completed paper bag and fashion jewellery courses at Vision Rescue’s vocational training. She even does Zari work on sarees and sells a piece for Rs. 250-300/-. She says, “I am proud to be a part of Vision Rescue. They trained me in making paper bags and fashion jewellery. Now, I do Zari work and sell these paper bags, collaborating with small companies for extra income.” She sighs and continues saying, “It may be small, but it’s okay; something is better than nothing.”

In this slum community, people face challenges and hold on to dreams. Sakeena dreams of becoming a doctor. Nuha tears up hearing this and says, “As a mother, my heart swells with pride seeing my children go to school and dream big.”

We express our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, whose invaluable support has brought stories like Sakeena’s to life. Your contributions have made a real and meaningful impact on the lives of families in need. We invite you to continue to be a part of our mission and make a difference. Your support can make dreams a reality.


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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