Mahi and Adit belong to a family of seven, but throughout the day their home in the slum community is empty.
Their father helps at a business nearby; their mother sells vegetables with their two-year old brother on her hip, and the three older siblings study in formal schools nearby.

If it weren’t for your life-changing gift of free pre-primary education for Mahi and Adit, the kids would have spent their days alone and unoccupied on the streets of their slum community.

Life in a slum is all that Mahi and Adit have known from birth. Poverty and lack of opportunity in their hometown in the state of Uttar Pradesh, forced their parents to migrate to Mumbai seven years ago.

Your donations reached out to Mahi first. Life in a classroom was difficult for her at the start, but she soon settled in and began to blossom. She’s regular to school now and even attends additional classes at another facility nearby. She loves helping her classmates, and studies at home with her older siblings too.

Along with an education, you have given Mahi and Adit a nutritious meal every single day of school, all their schooling material, and a host of medical and dental services.

At the start of the school year, you gifted both children health assessments to determine whether they were malnourished or not, as well as oral screenings to understand their level of dental hygiene.

Later in the year, you even gifted them the all-important Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine.

But most importantly, you’ve freed Mahi to dream of a future beyond life in a slum community. She wants to study hard and become a policewoman!