4-year-old Khushi lives in a small house beside a creek that’s chock full of neighborhood garbage and a breeding ground for disease.

Her father is a daily-wage laborer earning Rs.300/- a day, of which a hefty amount goes towards their house rent, electricity, and water charges. As the slum they live in is an unauthorized settlement, basic necessities come at a premium price. The family had little money left over to educate Khushi.

Your donations reached out to Khushi and she was enrolled in our Beacon Learning Centre.

But soon, our teachers observed that Khushi cried often in the class and was irregular. Khushi’s dedicated community officer then visited her house and found out the sad truth. 

Khushi’s mother was a victim of domestic violence. Her father would hit her mother and Khushi would often go to bed hungry.

On counseling Khushi’s parents, Khushi started to be able to come to classes regularly.

Her teachers say that she is one of the most obedient and focused children in the class. Khushi helps her friends with stationery and books. Our teachers are happy to see Khushi improving in her studies.

Your gifts also reached out to Khushi during the lockdowns in India. With your support, we were able to provide groceries every month to Khushi’s family and also healthy snacks for Khushi. Your donations even helped cover their leaking roof with tarpaulins during the monsoons.

To continue her education even during the pandemic, an education representative was sent to teach Khushi every day in her home.

Because of your support Khushi dreams of becoming a doctor when she grows up.

Thank You for Reaching out with Love to this precious child!