When Juber first joined Vision Rescue’s pre-primary classes in his slum community, he managed to make it to school on some days, but most days he stayed at home. After consecutive absences, Juber’s community worker visited his tin sheet home.

He found Juber, his younger sister Alfiya and baby Ilma helping their mother Nasreen who was ill with tuberculosis.

Nasreen was too weak to walk Juber and Alfiya to our classrooms just a few streets away. Yet, she was looking after her home and family of five children with no medical help.

With your support, Nasreen was immediately referred to a hospital by our medical team and thus began her year-long series of treatments.

While you set Nasreen on the path to recovery, Juber was blossoming in class too. He gathered the guts to come to class alone even when his mother couldn’t bring him in. He’d even escort his little sister to our junior kindergarten class!
Juber began to take interest in his studies, ask his teacher questions during class and even volunteer to clean up the classroom.
His personal hygiene began to improve as well, and today, he takes great pride in turning up to class all neat and tidy!

During our Sports Day and Children’s Day celebrations, Juber was right at the forefront of everything.

His happiest moments were when he won two gold medals and a silver medal in the competitive races.

Ask Juber what he wants to become when he grows up and pat comes the answer – a policeman!

Thank You for reaching out and touching Juber and his family’s life. Because you invested into his mother’s well being and her children’s early education, Juber today has dreams and aspirations that can one day become reality.