Jeeshan Chand Khan is a 13-year-old teenager from the slum community of Mandala. His father Chand Khan is a daily wage labourer and his mother Rukaiya Banu is a homemaker.
For over a year Jeeshan hadn’t gone to school. He used to spend his days roaming through the slum community with friends, and eventually he got into the habit of gambling.
Soon, Jeeshan bagan to take his younger brother Mohd Fizan Chand Khan, 9 years, with him. The boys fell into bad company and schooling was far from their minds. Their parents were upset about the path their children were taking, but they really couldn’t do much about it. Chand Khan had to work every day to feed the family of six, and Rukaiya had to stay at home looking after the youngest child – Mohd Haisan Chand Khan, 1 ½ years.
Things spiralled from bad to worse for the boys until, one day Rukaiya threatened to end her life unless the boys reformed. In the meantime she had been diagnosed with tuberculosis as well.
It was at this time that Vision Rescue community workers found the boys, and enrolled then in our Open Basic Education classes. Their sister Jeenath Bano, 10 years, joined as well.
Once in school, the children’s time was occupied with education, rather than gambling. Our community workers spent a lot of time bonding and counselling the children out of their former habits as well.
Rukaiya too was taken to a medical camp and helped with medications for tuberculosis.
The family thanks you for stepping in and reaching out a helping hand when they were most in need.