Jasim’s house is home to 12 family members, all living in a single-room, semi-built structure in a slum community that borders Mumbai’s largest dumping ground.

Little Jasim was just 3 when we first met him at home, and his family believed he was too young to begin education. Jasim, back then, was living life on the streets of his slum, alongside bikes and cycles whizzing past, as there was no room for him to play at home.

Our community workers convinced Jasim’s parents of the immense value of early childhood education, and they agreed to admit Jasim into the nursery at our Beacon Learning Centre.

Jasim grew to love all the drawing, craft and singing activities. He completed two years with us in mid-2018 and is now in our senior kindergarten. He dreams of becoming a policeman when he grows up.
Six months ago, Jasim’s mother Saira was diagnosed with tuberculosis, a disease that affects 2.3 million Indians, particularly those living in crowded, unhygienic conditions of poverty.
With immense body ache, persistent cough and fatigue, Saria could no longer look after Jasim. His grandmother Sagirunisa took over instead.
Many TB patients in slum communities like Jasim’s are unaware of how to appropriately handle this highly communicable disease. Jasim’s community worker visited his home and educated his family on how best to safely manage TB and support Saira through the long months of medication. Our community worker continued to follow up through the six months of Saira’s sickness to ensure that she completed the full course of treatment, and today she’s well again.
While Saira was unwell, Jasim’s aunt Shajida began to help him complete his homework at home. Shajida herself is just finishing high school and she dreams of joining Vision Rescue’s Culinary Training Institute once she graduates Class X!
It is your gifts towards Vision Rescue that have given Jasim an early start in education though he lives in one of Mumbai’s poorest slum communities. It’s because of you that Jasim no longer spends his days playing on the streets of his slum. Thank You for also helping his family wisely navigate a life-threatening disease!
The seeds of hope and empowerment that you’ve sown in this family are reaping a rich harvest today and will continue to in the years to come.