Ishtiyak studies in Junior Kindergarten at Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Centre in his slum community. His teachers say that he is the most helpful and obedient student in the class. He loves to help conduct class activities and assist his friends with their studies.
Five years ago, Ishtiyak’s father moved to Mumbai with his wife and daughter from one of India’s most impoverished states – Uttar Pradesh. Today they have three children, including Ishtiyak. They live in a slum community that surrounds a public garbage dump into which several metric tonnes of trash from across Mumbai gets dumped every day.

Ishtiyak’s father Issa earns around Rs.8000 (approx 109 USD) per month, and he had been working hard to keep a roof over his children and put food on their tables when the lockdown happened.

Ishtiyak’s father broke his arm and he couldn’t go to work anymore. Their whole world just stood still; the sole earning member of the family was unable to go to work anymore and they couldn’t find any other way to feed themselves or pay for his treatment.

That’s when you stepped in to help Ishtiyak’s family. You provided them with groceries every month and hearty nutritious snacks for the children. Our community workers along with medical interns provided Ishtiyak’s father medical assistance.
Ishtiyak’s mother was worried about her children’s education as they did not have a smartphone to attend online classes. Your gifts reached out once again to Ishtiyak and an education representative was sent to his home to teach him.
Ishtiyak is improving in his studies and his father is getting timely medical assistance. Thank You for Reaching out with Love and being a strong support to Ishtiyak and his family.