Jhanvi*, at four years old, faced life’s challenges along with her three older siblings. Her father, who had only finished the 6th grade, earned a modest living repairing slippers. Her illiterate mother started learning tailoring at a private institute but couldn’t complete the course due to financial problems.

Life for this family was a constant battle. The father, who once worked in the local community, now travels to different parts of the city for slightly better opportunities. His earnings, ranging from Rs. 10,000 to Rs. 12,000, improved from the meager Rs. 4,500 he used to make. Despite financial struggles, the family managed two meals daily and occasionally treated themselves to Rs.5 worth of junk food.

In their small rented home, basic amenities were scarce. Water was only available at night, and leaks allowed rainwater to seep. They had to use public toilet facilities, as their home didn’t have a toilet, paying Rs. 2 each. The COVID-19 pandemic added another layer of uncertainty, leaving the father unemployed. 

Jhanvi’s mother discovered comfort in creating beautiful zari work. Despite her hard work, she earned only Rs. 50 or Rs. 100 when she sold her creations. Long hours of crafting zari work took a toll on her, causing persistent neck pain.

In 2022, a glimmer of hope entered their lives through Vision Rescue. Jhanvi, the youngest, was enrolled in the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). Her parents, who previously had no value for education, soon realised its transformative power. The family’s hygiene practices, once neglected to the point of emitting a stifling stench, underwent a remarkable change. Showers became a regular part of their routine, and the pungent odour gave way to newfound cleanliness.

Jhanvi’s mother regularly attends the Focus Group Meetings (FGMs). She says, “Those sessions about hygiene taught us a lot. We do things differently at home now, keeping us cleaner and healthier. Small changes make a big difference.”

The impact was evident, especially in Jhanvi’s education. The child, once unable to read or write, blossomed into an active learner. Teachers at BLC praised her improved handwriting, numerical skills, and ability to answer questions. Her class teacher at BLC says, “Jhanvi has come a long way. From not knowing how to read or write, she’s now a confident learner, actively participating in class and even teaching others. It’s wonderful to see her progress and the power of education in action.”

Vision Rescue not only offered Jhanvi free and quality education but also extended its support to the family. Nutritious meals were provided at BLC, addressing the nutritional gaps that had long plagued the family. The medical team followed up diligently, ensuring Jhanvi’s well-being and offering oral and ear screenings to improve her health.

Jhanvi’s pursuit of becoming a doctor symbolized the potential in every child, waiting to be unlocked with the right support. Once trapped in poverty, the family saw a future where education could break generational struggles. Their once grim circumstances turned into a story of hope. Vision Rescue became a lifeline, providing not just education and healthcare but fostering an environment where dreams could flourish. 

Jhanvi’s journey, a testament to the power of compassion, education, and unwavering support, echoed through the slum community’s narrow alleys.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, whose invaluable support has brought stories like Jhanvi’s to life. Your contributions have made a real and meaningful impact on the lives of families in need. We invite you to continue to be a part of our mission and make a difference.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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