Fling wide the doors of education!

At Vision Rescue, we not only believe in engaging children in education but also in sustaining them in education by empowering their families.

Meet Husena*. Husena has been Vision Rescue’s student since 2019. The first time we met her was when she was playing on the streets of her slum community, which is bordered by the city’s largest garbage dump. Many children like Husena who live in such slum communities are out of school and with no place to play, these children spend all day alone playing on the rubbish heaps while their parents labour for a living.

Husena’s father moved to Mumbai over two decades ago. He always dreamt of a better future and life for his family here in the megapolis. Settling in one of the poorest and largest slums in the city, Husena’s father tried to cope with the hustle and bustle of the city. He tried his best to find a job opportunity but with no education all he could find was a daily-wage job. With the very little that he earned, a huge amount of money went towards their rent, bills and daily living expenses and with whatever that’s left he tries to keep his family afloat.

Husena’s life began to change when your gifts reached out to her family. Right from opening the door of education for her, to providing her with hearty nutritious meals every weekday, school bag, uniform, stationery, health checkups and dental assessments, your gifts have been sustaining little Husena in education from 2019 to date.

“Husena is one of the most obedient children in the class and actively participates in all the activities,” says her teacher.

Seeing her child grow, Husena’s mother began to attend our focus group meetings and trainings for parents. Soon after she went on to become our Community Champion too! She now advocates for education, healthcare and nutrition for all children in her slum community. 

Such a joy to see the mother and daughter grow together!

Your gifts also reached out to Husena during the COVID-19 pandemic with groceries and nutritious snacks for the children. Thank you for your help that enabled Husena to attend online classes throughout the pandemic, thus helping her stick to education despite tumultuous times in her community.  

Husena’s mother couldn’t be happier seeing her child graduate from our Beacon Learning Centre. We enrolled Husena in a nearby public school for her further education. Husena now studies in grade 1 at this public school. Meanwhile, Husena’s sister studies in our Beacon Learning Centre OBE – Class 1. Nothing makes us happier than seeing a child learn, grow and sustain in education.

Thank you for your support that has opened the doors of education for little Husena not just in our Beacon Learning Centre but also in a formal school. 

Husena dreams of becoming a Teacher when she grows up. Thank you for investing in this precious life.

*Names changed to protect identity