Arjan*, an energetic 5-year-old, lives in a cramped house in one of Mumbai’s slum communities with his parents and four siblings. His father, a metal fabrication worker, earns Rs. 12,000 a month, struggling to support the family. He said, “I always wanted a better future for my children, but it felt like a distant dream.”

During the pandemic, they heard about Vision Rescue’s BLC from neighbours and enrolled Arjan’s older brother. Soon after, another brother joined. In July 2023, Arjan became the third child from his family to enroll in BLC. His joy was boundless, and he began attending regularly, eager to learn in the supportive environment. Vision Rescue also provided health and dental checkups, something the family had never accessed before.

Now, in senior KG, Arjan dreams of becoming a police officer. His parents eagerly await the day when their youngest daughter can also join BLC, hoping to secure a brighter future for all their children. We thank our generous donors for making a brighter future possible for Arjan and his family.


*Names Changes to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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