Gulnaz is 8 years old but she’d never been to school until your gifts brought her into Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Centre inside her slum.
We first met her, and her younger sisters Mahek, 7, and Almeen, 3, playing at home with their mother. The family lives in a one-room shack made of mud and tin, which floods in the monsoons. They draw current from an illegal electricity connection, pay to buy impure drinking water and sleep on the floor, huddled together for warmth.
Gulnaz’s family survives on the daily wage income of their father, Irshad, who makes a living polishing tiles. On the days that he gets work, the family has enough to eat. On the days that he doesn’t, they go to sleep hungry. With food and shelter such luxuries, the children barely dreamt of going to school.
It’s your gifts that have reached out with love to this family, and drawn Gulnaz and Mahek into our Open Basic Education program for older children who’ve never had a chance to become literate. Little Almeen joined our nursery.

The children are overwhelmed by the love and gifts that you’ve showered them with – from backpacks, to books, to dental treatments and healthcare assessments – you’ve brought a dignity and hope into their lives that they’d never known before.

Today, Gulnaz dreams of becoming a teacher, so that she can one day empower other children like her.

From never seeing the inside of a classroom, to dreaming about becoming a teacher, it’s your love and donations that have brought Gulnaz and her sisters on this incredible journey of progress.

Thank you for choosing to place value on these precious lives!