Saying goodbye is never easy. But for 10-year-old Gulam Jilani it was extra hard. Circumstances had forced him and his five-year-old brother Ashraf to migrate from his hometown Muzaffarpur, Bihar, leaving behind their mother Nimajan. Gulam’s father MD Kidir Ansari was moving to Mumbai, and the children had to come with him.

Here in Mumbai the family moved into a home in the slum community of Govindi. Kidir did find a job stitching jute bags, but he also struggled with alcoholism leading to a lifestyle mired in large debt. His financial troubles led him to give up his younger son, leave Kidir with his sister-in-law, and relocate to Delhi.

With little money in hand, and the burden of his separated family on his mind, Gulam never restarted his schooling in Mumbai. In September 2017, his aunt brought him to our community workers in Shivaji Nagar.

They enrolled him into the Open Basic Education course (OBE), but Gulam found school difficult. He hardly spoke to anyone because most of the class spoke Hindi, and back home Gulam hadn’t learnt Hindi fluently. He was also grappling with all the adverse changes in his personal life.

Over the last year though, Vision Rescue teachers consciously included Gulam in all class activities. They discovered that he had a love for art, and for sports. He even won a medal during Vision Rescue’s sports day! Gulam is also quickly picking up Hindi, and he is eager to attend classes every day now. At school, his nutrition, basic healthcare and dental work are taken care of too.

Gulam can’t wait to grow up, and become capable of helping his family financially with the education he’s earning now. Thank you for impacting Gulam’s story so powerfully!

Photo Courtesy: Henry Chinnaya