In the heart of Mumbai, amidst the towering buildings and bustling streets, lies a world that often goes unnoticed, where hope is a rare commodity. This is the story of Wasim*, a six-year-old boy who, against all odds, is finding his way out of the shadows.

Wasim’s story begins in the cramped, congested neighborhood of Shivaji Nagar, surrounded by Mumbai’s largest Deonar dumping ground. Here, garbage heaps stretch as far as the eye can see. This massive landfill collects over 4,500 tonnes of garbage daily.1 Lack of access to safe drinking water, sanitation, and proper healthcare makes it susceptible to epidemics. Open defecation and poor hygiene exacerbate the spread of diseases, further burdening the already struggling families. 2

Wasim’s family had migrated to Mumbai from Siddharth Nagar in Uttar Pradesh, seeking better opportunities and education for their children. Wasim’s father, Baasir*, once a skilled tailor, now finds himself without work due to an abdominal abscess. At 45 years old, he struggles to provide for his family, a family of eight living in a 150 square feet cramped, rented house. The electricity bill alone is a burden, and the family must carefully ration their resources to make ends meet.

Fadil*, their eldest son, worked as a day laborer, earning a meager income of Rs. 12,000 per month, which helped put food on the table. However, it was not enough to break the cycle of poverty. For Wasim, the youngest in the family, education seemed like a distant dream amid their daily struggles. However, the intervention of Vision Rescue brought a glimmer of hope into their lives.

In 2019, a community intern from Vision Rescue went door-to-door, identifying children like Wasim and enrolling them for admission to Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Center (BLC) program. The BLC provided Wasim with more than just an education. He received uniforms, educational materials, and a daily meal, ensuring he had the essentials needed for learning. Healthcare services, including medical and dental check-ups, were also provided, ensuring his well-being.

This support was a lifeline for a child living in such challenging circumstances. 

Wasim’s progress was remarkable. His teacher noticed a significant change in his confidence and abilities. From a child who couldn’t read or write, he was now excelling in his studies. 

Wasim’s mother, Benazir*, couldn’t hide her joy. She explained how her son had transformed since joining the BLC program. “Earlier, my son did not study anywhere, but after going to Vision Rescue, my son has started studying very well. He studies at home and tries to help me with my work. He listens to my words,” she said, her eyes filled with pride.

Wasim’s dream had also started to take shape. He expressed his desire to become a police officer.

But the story doesn’t end with Wasim’s transformation alone. Vision Rescue recognized the importance of uplifting the entire family. With the help of Vision Rescue’s Case Officer (CO), Benazir could access a sewing machine through the BMC’s “Mahila V Bal Kalyan Yojana” (Women and Child Welfare Scheme) in Mumbai. This initiative aimed to empower women with vocational skills and generate income for their families. In a short span, Benazir learned the skill of sewing from her husband, and she began making bedsheet covers, earning Rs. 3,000 per month. The family’s income increased and they no longer relied on the elder son’s earnings. The sewing machine became a symbol of empowerment and self-sufficiency.

Wasim’s story is a testament to the power of intervention and support. But his story is just one among the many. In M East Ward and across urban India, countless children face similar challenges. Their potential remains untapped, and their dreams are unrealized without support. 

Join us in shaping a brighter future for children like Wasim and their families. You can become a part of Vision Rescue’s transformative mission to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. Your support can make dreams a reality and create positive change in the heart of Mumbai’s urban challenges.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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