In a household with four daughters, Manal*, a 5-year-old girl, is the third child. Years ago, their family relocated from Kolkata to a Mumbai slum community for a better life and livelihood. Her father takes on various odd jobs, from being a driver to daily wage labour and cleaner. But there are times when he goes away for 15 days at a stretch, leaving the responsibility of caring for their four children to Manal’s mother.

Life has always been a challenge for the family. A pressing issue they face is the stagnant water outside their house, posing a severe health hazard. Their community is prone to infections and diseases due to this stagnant, dirty water, and even their children have suffered from eye infections. Manal, in particular, has faced health challenges due to her weakened immunity. She battled dengue and had to be hospitalized. Thankfully, with the right medication and rest, she had recovered fully.

Access to basic amenities like municipal water, electricity, and gas has done little to ease their financial burdens. Despite their hardships, both parents share the responsibility of caring for their daughters equally and strongly believe in supporting girl child education.

Their journey with Vision Rescue began years ago when their eldest daughter enrolled in the Bus Program. This opportunity unlocked educational possibilities that were once beyond their reach. Today, she is a 9th-grade student studying in a formal BMC school. She has excelled not only academically but also as a skilled boxer and a state player.

Last year, in June 2022, Manal joined Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Center (BLC). For Manal and her family, it wasn’t just education; it was the promise of a brighter future, greater opportunities, and a path toward breaking free from the shackles of poverty. 

What makes this journey even more remarkable is that it wasn’t just Manal; two children from the same family benefitted from Vision Rescue’s BLC. 

Manal’s elder sister pointed out, “Education holds the key to our dreams, and Vision Rescue has been the one to unlock that door.”

The path to joining the BLC was not without its hurdles. One of their most significant challenges arose when Manal’s mother became pregnant. They had no money for medical treatment and essential medicines. It was during this trying period that Vision Rescue’s medical team extended a helping hand, providing essential care, support, medications, and regular check-ups. This timely assistance ensured that Manal’s mother gave birth to a healthy baby girl, filling their hearts with immense joy and happiness.

The services provided by Vision Rescue became a lifeline during their trying times. Manal’s father’s unstable employment often made it difficult for them to make ends meet, and ensuring regular check-ups and medications during the pregnancy was a constant concern. The support they received from Vision Rescue was a beacon of hope during their darkest days.

“During our most challenging times, Vision Rescue provided us with immense support and hope,” said Manal’s mother. “I’m truly grateful for Vision Rescue.”

Now, with Manal’s admission to the BLC, her education is on a promising trajectory and she is preparing for formal school. Her elder sister plays a major role in helping Manal with her studies. As a family, they struggled to afford two meals a day. However, after joining BLC, Manal now enjoys three meals daily. She even shares this blessing with her family. 

She says, “I may be small, but when I grow big, I’ll become a Police Officer.”

In addition to education and nutrition, Vision Rescue also focuses on healthcare. Manal has received health screenings and dental check-ups twice yearly to ensure her well-being remains a top priority. Vision Rescue also organizes various health camps, including ear check-ups, eye examinations, and blood group checks.

Manal’s mother actively participates in Focus Group Meetings (FGM) organized by Vision Rescue. These meetings provide a platform to voice her concerns and learn about various health and hygiene practices essential for their family’s well-being. However, her dream of pursuing vocational training remains unfulfilled because there is no one to care for her children while she attends the courses.

Despite these challenges, they are grateful for Vision Rescue’s intervention in their lives. 

Manal and her family have come a long way, but their journey is far from over. They’ve fought against incredible odds to access education and healthcare. 

We express our heartfelt gratitude to our donors, whose invaluable support has brought stories like Manal’s to life. Your contributions have made a real and meaningful impact on the lives of families in need. We invite you to continue to be a part of our mission and make a difference.


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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