Ihsan*, a 4-year-old boy, hails from a single-parent household, with his mother as the sole provider. Her profession as a beggar earns the family a modest income of Rs. 5000. Ihsan’s family faces severe hardships in the slums of Mumbai, with no access to gas, clean water, or even basic sanitation facilities. 

Ihsan’s mother has faced more than her fair share of challenges. Married at the tender age of 12, her first husband passed away, and she remarried in search of companionship and support. Tragically, her second husband, who was blind, also passed away, leaving her to care for her children, a blind mother, and an ill brother suffering from tuberculosis. Illiterate and without any formal education, Ihsan’s mother’s life has been a constant struggle.

The family dynamic is complex, with eight children in total. The first four are now married and have moved on to start their own families. The next four, including Ihsan, are still in the process of building their futures. Three of them are attending formal schools, breaking the cycle of illiteracy and poverty that has plagued their family for generations.

Ihsan, the youngest of the eight siblings, embarked on a new journey in July 2023. His life improved when he joined Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Center (BLC). This was not just a school, but a place of hope and opportunity. Ihsan’s mother, despite her illiteracy, recognized the importance of education and wanted to give her son a chance for a brighter future.

What’s heartwarming is that Ihsan’s family is not new to Vision Rescue’s BLC. Ihsan’s mother has been aware of BLC for the past five years because three other children also attended BLC. They successfully completed their BLC programs and moved on to formal schools.

When Ihsan first joined, he didn’t know the ABCs or numbers, but now he can confidently recite the alphabet and count. His rapid progress is a testament to the dedication of the BLC teachers and the nurturing environment they provide. Ihsan’s Teacher says, “It’s incredible to see Ihsan’s progress. These children have so much potential and can achieve their dreams with the right support.”

In addition to the academic progress, Ihsan has found something valuable at BLC, i.e., friends. The school has become a place where he can build lasting relationships where he is not alone in facing life’s challenges. The company of his fellow students has added another layer of happiness to Ihsan’s life.

“My friends at BLC make me happy. We learn and play together, and I want to be a police officer when I grow up,” says Ihsan, the four-year-old.

At BLC, nutritious meals are a lifeline for children like Ihsan, ensuring they have the nourishment to concentrate on their studies. Ihsan’s mother decided to send her youngest son to school, not only for education but also to receive that vital third meal, as they were struggling with only two meals.

In addition to education and nutritional support, Vision Rescue offers health services, including dental and medical check-ups. These services have made Ihsan’s family more aware of health issues and the importance of regular medical care. The children receive dental and medical treatments twice a year, addressing concerns they were unaware of. As part of healthcare services, Ihsan receives medication, including multivitamins, calcium supplements, and deworming medicine, which his family wasn’t initially aware of.

Like many in their community, Ihsan’s family faces challenges related to hygiene, water access, and shelter. Community Case Counsellor (CCC) has involved Ihsan’s mother in health and Focus Group Meetings (FGM) training to improve their health and hygiene knowledge. CCC also attempted to engage Ihsan’s mother in vocational training, but she could not join due to her pressing responsibilities. CCC actively counsels Ihsan’s mother, motivating her to explore job opportunities, like seeking housemaid positions to support Ihsan’s education.

Ihsan’s story is a reminder that every child has the potential to shine, even in the darkest corners of the world. We extend our heartfelt thanks to our donors and partners who’ve made a difference in Ihsan’s life and many others like him. Your support can open doors to endless possibilities for those in need. Join us in making a brighter future for children like Ihsan.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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