Living in the slums of Mumbai was Ayra*, a 6-year-old girl who was underweight. She lives in a cramped, rented house with her parents, siblings, and grandparents. She’s the middle child with an older sister and younger brother. Her family faces the same struggles that countless families in Mumbai’s slums face.

Mumbai, often known as the “City of Dreams,” has incredible economic opportunities and cultural diversity. Yet, it is also home to some of the world’s largest slums, where the quality of life is alarmingly low. High poverty rates, unemployment, and large-scale urban deterioration form a bleak landscape. These conditions often serve as breeding grounds for societal ills, such as drug and alcohol abuse, crime, and a high incidence of mental disorders. The locals’ low economic status, inadequate infrastructure, and acute malnutrition worsen their challenges. 1

Clean drinking water is a luxury; residents often pay for this basic necessity. Access to essential healthcare is limited, and sanitation and hygiene are often neglected. One of the most pressing issues in Mumbai’s slums is the lack of private toilets and faucets. Residents are forced to pay for public restrooms and purchase expensive water from vendors. In some cases, toilets lack electricity or running water, and many homes lack proper doors.

‘Life is a daily struggle for us,’ says Ayra’s father, who has a 10th-grade education and works as a cameraman. His income barely covers their house rent, electricity bills, and water charges. Like many others in her community, they don’t have access to a private toilet, so they often use unsanitary public facilities, a daily struggle for the family. Ayra’s mother, who has a 7th-grade education, is unemployed. To contribute to the family’s income, Ayra’s grandmother works as a housemaid. This joint family strives to make ends meet in a challenging environment.

Ayra’s life took a significant turn when she became a part of Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Center (BLC) last year (2022). Thanks to the support of donors like you, Ayra found a way out of the cycle of poverty and began her journey toward a brighter future.

At BLC, Ayra not only received education but also nutritious meals that improved her health. The first challenge to address was Ayra’s malnutrition. The statistics on malnutrition in India are stark, with over 33 lakh children suffering from this severe health issue. The most affected states include Maharashtra, Bihar, and Gujarat, where many children, like Ayra, endure the consequences of inadequate nutrition.2 Vision Rescue provided Ayra with much-needed nutrition supplements and access to regular health check-ups.

Gradually, as Ayra’s health improved, she excelled in her studies at BLC. Her parents noticed positive changes in her character, confidence, and academic progress. Ayra’s mother says, ‘Before, my child had less confidence, but now she is very confident and has become smart. Her handwriting has also improved, and she knows numbers.’

In school, Ayra made remarkable progress. She went from a shy, underweight child to an active, confident student. Her teachers noted her remarkable improvement in both her studies and interactions with peers. “When the child took admission, she did not know how to read or write, but now she can write and interact in class,” her teacher shared proudly.

Ayra’s favorite memory at Vision Rescue’s BLC is the sports day program, where she participated in various games and activities with her friends. When asked about her dreams for the future, her eyes lit up with hope. “When I grow up, I want to become a doctor. I want to give treatment to patients,” she said with determination.

Ayra’s grandmother, who worked as a housemaid, also expressed her appreciation for the positive changes that Vision Rescue brought into her granddaughter’s life.

Vision Rescue not only focused on Ayra’s education and health but also on empowering her family. Ayra’s mother, who was previously unemployed, received vocational training through Vision Rescue. She embarked on a journey to become a skilled beautician, a valuable skill that would open up new opportunities for her and her family.

Today, Ayra’s family lives a life that was once just a dream. Ayra has successfully completed her Junior KG and is currently enrolled in her Senior KG. Your generous support can change the lives of children like Ayra and their families. With your help, more children can access education, receive nutritious meals, and break free from the cycle of poverty. Join us in our mission to empower more children like Ayra. Together, we can make a difference.

*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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