Naira*, a five-year-old, is always bubbling with excitement and loves to share her thoughts and stories. Her parents never miss a day of listening to her imaginative tales. She has a younger sister, only two and a half years old, who follows in her footsteps with her own talkative nature.

Naira’s father, a hardworking transport driver, toiled day in and day out to provide for his family. Despite his efforts, the family still struggled with financial burdens. Naira’s mother had valuable skills in mehendi and tailoring that could have helped supplement their income, but childcare and household responsibilities constantly consumed her. She had little time to use her talents for financial gain.

The family lives in a rented ‘pakka’ (concrete) house in an illegal slum community. Yet we all know that no matter how concrete a house is, there is always the fear of being demolished at any time and the uncertainty of having to move again. While the house has basic amenities such as electricity and gas, they do not have a personal toilet in their house and must use public facilities for their bathroom needs. The family’s financial struggles have made it difficult to pay rent regularly, adding stress to the family.

Before the lockdown, the father had a stable and well-paying job. However, when the lockdown was implemented, everything fell apart, leaving the family struggling to make ends meet. Every day became a battle for survival.

A glimmer of hope emerged for the family thanks to a champion from Vision Rescue, who became their guiding force and introduced them to the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). The champion recognised the financial struggles of the family and Naira’s potential and shared how BLC could transform her future. 

In June 2020, Naira joined the Nursery at BLC, where she received all the necessary educational materials: a tiffin, bag, sandals, uniform, and raincoat. The family even received a much-needed lifeline during the pandemic in the form of a grocery kit from Vision Rescue. The kit contained essential items like wheat flour, lentils, sugar, tea powder, soap, and other necessities.

Naira’s educational journey started in the colourful and lively classroom of the Nursery, where she learned to draw, paint, sing, learn and make new friends. Now, in Grade I, she continues to grow and learn, surrounded by bright posters and friendly faces. Her Teacher at BLC says, “Naira is a diligent and responsible student who brings joy to our class.”

Regular dental and health check-ups have become a routine for Naira and her family. Her nutritional needs improved with meals she received at BLC, bringing joy and promoting a healthier lifestyle. The family, previously unaware of various health services, is now proactively participating in regular health and dental check-ups.

Focus Group Meetings (FGMs) empowered Naira’s mother with knowledge on critical topics like Formal School and Department Services Awareness, Child Abuse and PSE, Human Trafficking, Child Trafficking, RTE, deworming, AIDS Day, PTM Meetings, International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and World Cancer Day. She says, “Going to FGMs has helped our family learn to keep our kids healthy by understanding proper nutrition and disease prevention.”

In this slum community, people face daily challenges and hold onto dreams for a better future. When asked about her dreams, Naira with her childlike innocence, giggles and says, “I want to be a police officer when I grow up and catch hold of the thieves.” She spends hours playing with her younger sister, their laughter echoing through the house. She weaves fantastical tales, each one more magical and captivating than the last. 

Thanks to your generosity, dear donors, Naira not only received an education kit but also access to crucial healthcare services and the opportunity for a brighter future. Your support has the power to bring about positive transformation in Mumbai’s urban struggles and turn dreams into reality. Thank you for making a difference!


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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