As soon as Deepak and Sunil joined our classes, your gifts welcomed them with warmth – workbooks, uniforms, a school bag, shoes, raincoats, stationery and so much else became their prized possessions.
Deepak especially loved his junior kindergarten class. His sharp mind helped him pick up new concepts faster than his peers and his friendly nature won over his classmates and teacher too.
Later in the school year, Deepak and Sunil fell ill with chickenpox and were unable to come to class. As the disease was doing the rounds of the children’s slum community, our medical team conducted an awareness camp which equipped Deepak’s family to handle the illness without fear. Both children were referred by our medical team to our partner municipal hospital and both recovered completely.
Thank you for rescuing Deepak from generational poverty and giving him a leg up to a life of empowerment through education, healthcare and nutrition. He dreams of becoming a policeman and serving his community one day.