Ahmed, Culinary Training Institute

Ahmed was just 17 when he lost his parents. Ahmed lives in one of the poorest slum communities in Mumbai. His father used to work in a hotel, rolling out rotis, standing in front of the smouldering tandoor without any protection. His negligence took away his life. A year later, Ahmed’s mother passed away.

Ahmed dropped out of the school, but soon he completed his 10th standard with the help of The National Institute of Open Schooling.

Today at the age of 21, Ahmed lives with his sister. They still do not know the whereabouts of their elder brother, who was struggling with an addiction to substance abuse.

As a little boy, Ahmed has seen his father struggling to get daily basic necessities for the family. In 2015, Ahmed began to work with a caterer. Gradually, Ahmed began to handle and arrange the catering service for 8000 guests.

One fine day, he learnt about Vision Rescue’s Culinary Training Institute from one of our graduates. Ahmed knew that if he would leave his catering job to join a course he could face the financial constraints. He was afraid if leaving the job would make him struggle for food.

Ahmed was determined about his goals and future. Without a single penny in his pocket, leaving behind all the worries and hardships, Ahmed joined our Culinary Course.

“Ahmed would come to the class diligently with dream in his eyes,” says our Chef.

From wielding the knife in the right manner, to holding the door open for a lady, Ahmed says this culinary course had thought him many small nuances which he would not have otherwise known.

“Vision Rescue not only has given me an opportunity to learn a new skill, but has also given direction to my life. It has revived a dream and ignited a fire in me to reach out and fulfil my dream of having daily meal, good clothes and living in a good house,” says Ahmed.

Ahmed completed his Culinary course at Vision Rescue and soon after was placed in ‘Theobroma Patisserie’ for internship. Ahmed gave his best and surprised by his performance he was offered a job just in 2 weeks.

It’s been two years since Ahmed has been working with ‘Theobroma Patisserie’ and supporting his family.

Thank you for investing in Ahmed’s life.