Meet Fatima – Culinary Institute Graduate.

Fatima comes from one of the poorest slum communities in Mumbai. She has always been passionate about learning and growing.

One fine day, Fatima heard about Vision Rescue’s Culinary Course. On learning that the course is absolutely free of cost, Fatima had no second thought but enrolled herself in our Culinary Training Institute.

Vision Rescue’s Culinary Training Institute is an extension of the skills-training services such as tailoring, mehndi, paper-bag making, fashion jewelry, book binding, etc. for the unemployed and unskilled family members of our children.

Over the six months of Culinary course, Fatima learnt basics of cooking right from handling the equipment, personal hygiene, knife skills, course menu to food safety and much more.

Fatima was sent to Theobroma patisserie for a six months training. Fatima has always been our bright student, seeing her work, she was offered a job opportunity in just three months.

“Vision Rescue has transformed my life. I have learnt so much in this course, it also opened the doors of job for me. Nothing makes my parents more happier than seeing me learn and grow,” says Fatima.

Thank you for investing in Fatima’s life! Fatima could conquer every difficulty that was stopping her from pursuing her passion just because your gifts reached out to her and transformed her life.