Tobacco is a silent threat to Zuha*’s family. In India, around 1.35 million people lose their lives each year because of tobacco-related issues.1 Unfortunately, Zuha’s father, a bag maker, finds comfort in using the material that puts his health and family at risk. As the sole breadwinner of his family, he bears the weight of providing for them. Adding to his troubles, he has had two accidents in the last two years, which not only caused him to lose his job but also put his household in a critical financial situation.

As the family’s financial situation worsened, borrowing money from loved ones became their only option. However, these debts caused a lot of stress and led to frequent arguments between the parents. The house they rent lacks basic amenities and late rent payments serve as a reminder of their financial problems. Since they lack access to a private toilet, they must rely on public facilities and pay Rs.5 for each use.

“The accidents and job loss hit us hard. We borrowed money, but now it’s a struggle to pay it back. My husband’s tobacco addiction adds to our problems, and we’re always fighting about money,” says Zuha’s mother sadly.

During this turmoil, Zuha, a four-year-old girl, remained a beacon of hope. Her infectious smile and sparkling eyes brought joy to the parents. She would often walk around the streets and play with her friends. 

Zuha and her friends didn’t go to school, and their parents were not keen on education either. However, in 2022, with the help of Vision Rescue’s Community Case Counselor (CCC), Zuha could enroll in the Beacon Learning Center (BLC).

Zuha joined the nursery class and received essential educational materials, including a lunchbox, school bag, sandals, a uniform, and raincoat. These provisions excited her about attending school regularly, and she showed a keen interest in her studies. She excelled in her studies at BLC despite limited resources and family conflicts. Her teacher says, “Zuha is an outstanding student who is always full of joy, eager to learn, and has a great zest for knowledge.” 

In just a year, she proved her academic brilliance by skipping a grade and going directly from Nursery to Senior KG. This leap not only showcased Zuha’s intellectual aptitude but also the effectiveness of BLC in nurturing young minds. Her progress is a testament to the power of quality education to transform lives.

Vision Rescue has been crucial in educating Zuha’s family about healthcare. All the children part of BLC receive dental and medical check-ups twice a year to keep them healthy. During medical check-ups, Zuha received medications, including multivitamins, calcium, and deworming medicine. Her parents were initially unaware of the need for dental and medical check-ups, but Vision Rescue’s guidance helped them to understand its importance.

Nutrition was another essential aspect of Vision Rescue’s support. Zuha, like her peers, received nutritious meals during the day. This was significant, as some children struggled to eat homemade food. Meals provided at Vision Rescue’s BLC not only ensured she ate healthily but also made her enjoy her meals more.

Zuha says, “Before BLC, I didn’t know what school was. Now, I love coming here every day. I want to be a teacher when I grow up, just like my teachers here.”

The CCC not only facilitated educational opportunities for Zuha but also empowered her mother with financial knowledge. Zuha’s mother opened a savings account and a Sukanya Samrudhi Yojna account for Zuha. The family, who were previously unaware of government facilities, began to navigate the path toward financial stability.

“Opening the savings account and Sukanya Samrudhi Yojna for my daughter was like opening a door to a new world of possibilities. We’re not just surviving; we’re planning for a future now,” says Zuha’s mother.

In Mumbai’s slum communities, many children like Zuha are deprived of their right to education. At Vision Rescue, we extend our support to the families in whatever way we can so their children can engage and sustain in education. We are grateful to our generous donors for helping us restore the dignity of these children and enabling them to dream of a better future.


*Names Changed to Protect Privacy


Vision Rescue exists to rescue children from all forms of exploitation by engaging and sustaining them in education. We are a registered NGO for child education under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.

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