Vision Rescue first met Chinmay as a three year old wandering the streets of his slum community alone. When we spoke to his mother Anita about our Beacon Learning Centre (BLC) nursery for children just like Chinmay, she was hesitant at first. “He’s far too young to study right now!” she said. But when she heard about how powerful and formative early childhood education can be, Anita changed her mind.

Chinmay joined us in 2017, and today he’s completed three years with us! From nursery through to junior, and now, senior kindergarten, Chinmay has grown into a promising child with dreams of becoming a doctor when he grows up.

Anita too has grown with Chinmay. She first joined our tailoring classes for mothers of our BLC students. She successfully completed the course, and began to take orders from home. What a relief it was to finally be able to supplement her husband’s income!

Last year, Anita was hugely instrumental in stitching many of Vision Rescue’s school bags. You should see the pride and joy with which Anita talks about giving back to her community.

Anita went on to become our ‘Community Champion’ – advocating for education, nutrition and healthcare within her neighbourhood. She opened up her house for ‘focus-group’ meetings with parents, which educate and empower them with tools and information about the social issues they face every day.

Most recently, Anita was inducted into one of our Self-Help Groups for newly skilled women who have successfully graduated from our vocational training courses. She’s an active member here helping to organise and complete bulk orders, resulting in a steady source of income and savings for her and the other women in the Group.

From being suspicious of learning, to becoming a Champion for empowerment Anita has come a long way in the last three years thanks to your support that powers Vision Rescue’s every venture.

Thank you for being such a powerful catalyst for life-long change in the poorest slum communities!

“You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” – Brigham Young