Vision Rescue first met Chinmay as a three year old wandering the streets of his slum community...
Little Aksa’s parents always dreamt of sending their daughter to school, but poverty always quelled their desires....
Four-year-old Zain lives just beside an open drainage canal that fills every monsoon and overflows into his...
Fifteen years ago, Ayesha was pregnant with her second child when she met with an accident in...
Taskiya’s slum community is bursting with children like her – three-to-six year olds roaming the streets alone,...
Mazida lives in an iron-sheet hutment at the corner of a street frequented by drug dealers. She’s...
Little Rehmat loves being first. He’s just in junior KG, but he races to write the fastest...
Reena is just 17 but she’s far older than her years. When she was a little girl,...
Sajida was born in one of Mumbai’s largest and fastest-growing slum communities. A life of hustling with...
Fevers and a few blisters on his skin – not much to worry about thought Amir’s parents...