Jhanvi*, at four years old, faced life’s challenges along with her three older siblings. Her father, who...
Yoon*, a five-year-old, is a Senior KG student at the Beacon Learning Center (BLC). It’s a small...
Aafiya*, a 5-year-old, is the third child in her family. Her family migrated in 2014 from Kolkata...
Dreams do come true! It’s been 25 long years since Sagar’s* grandparents moved to the city of...
UNCLIPPING MUNNA’S WINGS! 4-year-old Munna and his little brother Mustafa have known many nights of hunger. Their...
Little Aayan fell ill during the COVID-19 pandemic. He started losing weight drastically. His parents couldn’t understand...
Ishtiyak studies in Junior Kindergarten at Vision Rescue’s Beacon Learning Centre in his slum community. His teachers...
Five-year-old Sunita has been a Vision Rescue student since 2017. Back then, she was in our nursery...
For the first decade of her life Khushboo’s family has known one tragedy after another. She’s the...
Jasim’s house is home to 12 family members, all living in a single-room, semi-built structure in a...